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I am exploring the feeling of being held back through the process of being silent.: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Joshua Ichiriu (2019)

In my photograph, I used a roll of duct tape and bars from a fence outside my house. I placed the roll of tape behind the bars to show that the duct tape is trapped inside of the bars, unable to escape. The duct tape is placed at an angle so you can see the duct tape sticking upwards to look better in the photo. For the lighting of my photo, I took the photo when the sun was behind the clouds to give the photo a dark and gloomy effect. Lastly, I decided that it would look best if the image was taken down below, almost head-on so you could feel engulfed by the jail bars and living inside of the image.

The photograph exemplifies my concept statement because it portrays the feeling of being held back through bars and the process of being silent through the duct tape. The bars hold a feeling of being trapped and show the idea that I am trying to illustrate, a jail cell. It is popular to associate being silent with having tape put on your mouth which is why I used duct tape. Altogether, my objects and concept statement form a dark tone, with pieces such as duct tape, jail cell bars, and dark lighting to create a dark piece of art.

Lastly, I learned a remarkable amount about Photoshop through this project. When editing my photo, I started by cropping my image because there was a lot of unnecessary background objects, such as plants and bushes. I then used the curves and contrast tool in the image to differentiate the light areas of the image from the darker areas, mainly to give the photo a dreary and hopeful feel. Lastly, I added a vignette, which made the picture focus on the duct tape on the bars instead of the surrounding objects. Related website
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