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I Am Exploring the Feeling of Excitement Through the Experience of Contemplating the Unknown.: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Karla Oregon (2019)

The two objects I chose to represent my concept statement was a book and an apple cider bottle. I had lots of difficulty choosing what position would work best for each. I kept the bottle standing up because the sunlight would hit perfectly on the green bottle and it looked as if it was glowing. I wanted the book to really portray “contemplating the unknown.” So, I set it lying down to show the pages which is where most of the feeling of unknown comes from. The background had backyard vibes to portray an outdoor party.

My photograph includes both my objects which portrays my concept statement. My objects, a champagne bottle and book represent excitement through contemplating the unknown. The champagne bottle demonstrated a feeling of excitement. When someone celebrates, they usually get a champagne bottle or something. The book gave a sense of the unknown. When someone sees a book, they don’t know what it’s going to be about. Not knowing about what the book will say makes people excited. Both these items combined helped me put together my concept statement.

In Photoshop, I cropped my picture to follow the rule of thirds. I felt like I had too much black space on the left side so I cropped it a bit to make my objects the focal point. The second thing I did was brighten my picture a bit more. Since I took my pictures during golden hour, they had a nice warm effect but I felt like the shadows were too distracting. I used the curves tool to make the lighting in my picture more defined. All these factors helped me enhance my picture to something I’m proud of. Related website
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