Freestyle Academy proudly presents

My Pockets: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Louie Sabio (2019)

In my photograph, I have a bike that is laid down on its side and an empty wallet on the sidewalk. By including the empty wallet, I send the message that whoever owns it is struggling financially. This connects to the bike because it shows how the person was forced to use the old bike as transportation due to the situation they’re in. I decided to place the empty wallet closer to the camera because I wanted the viewer to see it first and the bike second. I did this, hoping that the viewer would make the connection that someone had to ride the bike because of their financial obstacles. For lighting, I decided to shoot around six in the afternoon in order to obtain shadows that stretched far to represent how this person could be longing for something.

The photograph I took exhibits my concept statement because both of my objects truly represent each part of it. The empty wallet represents frustration because it shows how the person who owns the wallet doesn’t have any money, which can be very frustrating because it is needed all the time. The old bike embodies taking a risk because by riding an old and beat-down bike, the person is risking falling down and damaging it.

In Adobe Photoshop, I learned to use curves, lasso tools, crop pictures, and vignette. By using lasso tools, I was able to erase unwanted parts of my picture which helped with focusing on the main subjects. Curves were able to expose more colors and shadows, which significantly helped my photograph. To enhance my image I increased the saturation in my photo to create darker shadows and make more colors pop since my picture came out a bit dull initially. Related website
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