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I am exploring the feeling of forgetfulness when experiencing having OCD as a child.: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Avni Sardana (2019)

The two objects I used were keys and a shoe. I attached the keyring to the shoelace because it shows that forgetfulness and having OCD are tied together, but it doesn’t belong together since keys are not typically kept with shoes. To demonstrate tapping of the shoe, I conveyed motion. I did this by adjusting the shutter speed to be very low and I moved the camera slightly as I was taking the photo. The shoe is on a wooden floor because when a shoe is tapping on wood, you get a louder sound. I kept the shoe closer to the camera and angled it sideways because it's easiest to see the motion while still being able to distinguish the objects being presented. I took the photo during daylight so I could still have nice lighting indoors. However, the lighting still came out looking artificial, so I adjusted it in photoshop to fit the theme more. I wanted it to look slightly darker and more eerie to give a sense of struggle to the photo.

The keys represent the feeling of forgetfulness, and the shoe represents having OCD. Keys are something we often misplace or forget to get before leaving. The shoe represents having OCD because, in my own experience of having it as a child, tapping my foot would help me cope with my compulsions. It gave me something to do to distract me from my thoughts when I was overwhelmed.

I started my photoshop process with adjusting the image size and resolution to fit the standards given. I then added a curves layer to make the shadows and highlights more distinct. I did not like the color of the photo, so I adjusted the saturation and hue to be darker and more red. After, I merged my layers and added a vignette (something new I learned in photoshop). Related website
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