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I am exploiting the feeling of loneliness through the experience of following my instincts.: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Toby Teksler (2019)

As you can see there are two objects in my picture, they are a teddy bear and a candle. In my picture I purposely had the bear prominently in front of the candle, and with his arm firmly covering the candle. This positioning was meant to display the bear protecting the candle and its light. In this action the bear was supposed to show her “mama bear instincts” to protect the lonely candle. The lighting and the background are meant to emphasize the candle and the bear. This is supposed to steer the attention to the bear and candle which are the only two objects that I want my viewer to focus on in the picture. These stylistic choices show how the candle is lonely, and is the only thing that shines. Alone on a dark canvas.

The objects in my photograph represent the feeling of loneliness through the experience of following your instincts. My bear in the picture is meant to convey the idea of following instinct from my concept statement because bears have their primitive involuntary instincts. The mother bear has her instinct to protect her cubs. The candle is also meant to represent how it's lonely to be the only light in the picture.

The raw unedited version of this picture, while adequate was imperfect. So I used photoshop to give it a curves layer, making everything more clear. I added a cold filter to make the candle stand out even more, and add to its metaphorical value. The process of photoshopping it was interesting and took a while; however, I learned that color differences between different parts of the photo including the background have a profound impact on its overall appearance. Related website
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