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I am exploring the feeling of doubt through the experience of moving on.: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Haley Grant (2019)

I chose to have the compass rest on the side of the candle holder, pointing in a forward direction to symbolize doubt. It is also pointing forward to enhance the feeling of moving ahead. They are close because the lit candle represents light or a sense of clarity while moving on from a situation. I chose a wheat field in the background and included some flowers to represent emptiness one may feel with doubt, and it was in contrast to the white candle. The flowers in this image are seasonal and they come back yearly. I took the photo after sunrise so the lighting wouldn’t be too harsh with the candle being lit. I chose to take it from a forward facing, slightly lifted angle, to see the candle lit and the top of the compass, without it being a birds eye view. I was close to my objects to show detail in smaller objects and make them in focus.

My two objects were a compass and a candle. I chose to represent doubt by using a compass as it symbolizes direction, and is often used when lost or unsure of where to go. I selected a candle to depict moving on because a candle represents a new beginning as they can be lit in happy times such as a birthday celebration, but also in sad times such as a memorial of someone lost. I also made sure my candle had a flame to portray how even if it flickers it can keep going and staying lit. I used an old candle shown by the dripping wax, furthering the idea that candles continue to stay lit.

In Adobe Photoshop, I learned how to apply a vignette as well as other layers. On my photo I used a curves layer to create a better contrast in my image, a vibrance layer to brighten my photo and brighten the flame, and a saturation layer to take some concentration away from the colors in the image. Related website
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