Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Never Too Late: A Junior Design Student Conceptual Project by Hrisha Bhatt (2019)

The objects in my photograph consist of an opened box of bandaids laying on top of a torn up bucket list that has been ripped out of its notepad. I took this photo in the morning because lighting after sunrise gives off a very warm and bright tone. The warm lighting hit the objects while still allowing the background to maintain its darkness. Making the background pitch black was initially unintended but it helped to create the surroundings of a memory where there are no external interruptions. The angle is straight above the objects in order to get a full view of the objects and balance the white space in relation to how they exist in the photo.

The torn up bucket list was used to give the impression of an accident. For instance, the accident could have been missing out on the opportunities to travel the world before the writer turned 40, like they had planned. Bandaids are universally known to heal injuries and patch up scars. In this case the bandaids are being used as a symbol of patching the list back together and the “desire” of renewing the longing to explore the world. Overall the objects portray a sense of sadness but hopefulness to repair a mistake made in the past.

In Design, I’ve already learned many tips to enhance my photos in Photoshop. Specifically, I used curves, brightness, the crop tool, and the spot healing brush tool. Both curves and brightness were used to deepen the shadows of every aspect of the photo and amp up the vibrance of color. I used the crop tool to balance the white space around the objects. Finally, I used the spot healing brush tool to simply get rid of unnecessary spots of dirt or pencil smudges and create a very sleek look. Related website
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