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Sky High Expectations: A Junior Design Student - Narrative Character by Karla Oregon (2020)

In this assignment, we were challenged to create a creature using different animals that would match our characters personalities from our short story. In my story, I wrote about a girl, Alexis, that struggles in deciding what college she wants to go to. Like most teenagers in high school, we’re all looking for a school that would satisfy our interests. In the story, Alexis’ parents interfere a lot with what she wants to do because they don’t want her going to a far away. In the end, Alexis limits herself and looks for local schools. Throughout my story, Alexis and her parents figure it out and meet in the middle. In this particular scene, I wanted to capture what dream schools feel like. For Alexis, her dream school was far away and out of reach so she had to come down to a more reasonable school. Since most of my story is about Alexis dreaming of her college, I wanted to capture what that would look like.

We had to choose one animal for a mammal, reptile, ocean animal, insect, and a bird. The five animals that I chose to represent Alexis were, a cat, an ant, a swan, a fish, and a lizard. The cat head and eyes showed her fierce personality. The fish body to show her flexibility, the wings to represent her gracefulness, the lizard legs to show her ability to overcome things, and the ant abdomen to show her strength. I felt like all of these animals really captured what Alexis was like. All of these animals have different textures so what I spent the most time doing was the fur and scales. Both of these were the main focal point of my creature so I wanted to make it look realistic as possible. In my background, I created a school in the clouds to really capture the dream aspect of it. I also played around with linear perspective and created a building that looks 3D. Throughout this project, I have gotten way more comfortable with Adobe Illustrator-I’ve learned new techniques to make my work look more realistic and new skills that will help in future illustrations. Related website
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