Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Tracks: A Junior Design Student - Narrative Character by Louie Sabio (2020)

The short story that I created in English was about an LA producer, Julian Viernes that was challenged to choose between his girlfriend and his music career due to his girlfriend’s skepticism regarding his career choice. In this specific scene, we are outside of Julian’s apartment complex. In the distance is downtown LA, and the time of day is around dusk.

To create my character, I initially traced over pictures of each body part using images I found on DuckDuckGo. I traced over the images using the pen tool and eventually filled them in with the colors I chose. On each body part I added a gradient in order to show where light is coming from. In addition, I added fur to the head of my creature to exhibit texture. For my character I decided to use a tiger head, turtle shell, monkey tail, kangaroo legs, and praying mantis arms. I felt like a tiger represented Julian because he is an ambitious character and is willing to do what he needs to in order to accomplish his goals. A turtle suits Julian because he is wise in terms of his financial decisions and in controlling his temper. I used monkey and kangaroo parts because sometimes Julian can be pretty active and rambunctious. Lastly, I decided to add praying mantis arms because Julian is a pretty calm person. For my background, I decided to draw buildings in the distance. Leading up to the horizon line I have a road with other parts of the city included below. Initially I had problems with figuring out how to illustrate the distance between the buildings and the road, but eventually learned how to use darker and lighter shades to exhibit distance. I also had problems tracing my initial template, so I decided to delete it and create my own background for the lower portion of the piece. One thing I would’ve done differently, would’ve been to add more dimension to my buildings. I feel like that would’ve added more complexity to my background. I also wished I spent more time on gradients because some are uneven and inconsistent. Related website
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