Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Friday Night Ice Cream: A Junior Design Student - Narrative Character by Oliver Camp (2020)

Friday Night Ice Cream, a story by Oliver Camp, econompasses a toxic relationship and the first steps to heal it. The story starts out with a character named Mike who feels disconnected from his brother, Thomas. While Mike is a junior in High School, Thomas is a senior and will be leaving for college in less than a year. Mike longs for a deep connection with Thomas, but is scared to make the first steps. They have a history of trying to be better than each other and are known to fight about the smallest things. Their fierce personalities make it much harder for their relationship to heal. The story initially starts at their house as the two characters eventually end up at an ice cream shop. It was a Friday night and Thomas was home for once, writing his college applications. Mike saw this as an opportunity to hang out with his brother one on one. Mike won’t be able to live with himself knowing that he doesn’t have a connection with his brother, so he faces the problem and simply asks his brother to get ice cream with him. A simple, yet big leap in their relationship as brothers.

To design my Narrative Project, I used Adobe Illustrator. The pen tool in Adobe Illustrator was very important in my production, along with the following linear perspective. These skills allowed me to get precise and accurate edits. My illustration is important because it was the first place that Mike and Thomas could connect as friends. My hybrid animal was created using five animals. Each animal shows a different side to Mike’s personality. The tiger and wasp represent his fierceness and eagerness to fight back and win. The great white shark represents his intelligence and mysterious personality. The iguana tongue shows his playfulness. The dove wing is meant to represent his caring heart as well as the peace he was able to make with his brother by inviting him to get ice cream. Related website
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