Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Coaching Tim: A Junior Design Student - Narrative Character by Soren Robinson (2020)

My story is about a coach of a basketball team named Dale that loves sitting on a special bench right in front of a park basketball court. He sees a very talented player and gives the kid a chance to play on his team. The kid’s name is Tim and he is deaf, and resorts to reading the lips of people and just nodding when they’re talking since Dale doesn’t know of his disability. Dale invites Tim to his practice and continually gets angrier with him as he thinks that Tim is hot headed and won’t listen to anything he has to say when he’s playing. This eventually escalated until Dale is screaming at Tim until one of the players tells him to stop and that Tim is deaf. Dale realizes his mistake, but Tim is already gone. He ends practice early and goes back to his park bench to think. After a while, he gets up to leave, but just as he is, he sees Tim playing basketball on the other side of the court.

In this illustration, I used Adobe Illustrator to create a creature compiled of animals that describe one of my characters. I first used a dog to represent Dale’s remorse. I also made a rooster’s tail to represent his original arrogance. Additionally, there are barnacles that are stuck on the body and face of my creature to symbolize how he assumed that all of his players were the same just because they looked similar. The giraffe neck and horse legs were there to show that he was tall physically, while also showing that he was condescending towards Tim throughout the story. The lizard feet with the claws represented his aggressive nature, and the tiger stripes showed how he was observant in the beginning where he saw that Tim was a talented basketball player, as well as in the end he observed that he had made a big mistake. My illustration is the moment where Dale sees Tim playing basketball after the disaster practice and realizes how badly he messed up. I used linear perspective on the building in the background to give a better backdrop than just the sky. The hardest part of the whole project was all of the intricacies of shadows, and shades on the creature. Even though this project took a very long time to complete, I’m very happy with how it turned out. Related website
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