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Sometimes Backtracking Is Required To Achieve Progress: A Junior Design Student - Narrative Character by Toby Teksler (2020)

My short story is about a young man named Tony who is a freshman at UCLA. During his time there he struggles with both his love life and his classes as he strives to be the best he can. Tony has recently broken up with his girlfriend and is now struggling to focus on his coding project that he must finish. I have chosen to represent the scene where he figures out what he must do to fix his programming, by putting his dorm in the background.

This project was amazing and I had a lot of fun with it; however, at the beginning I had no idea how hard, tedious, and time consuming it would be. I had a basic outline of my creature pretty quickly and I thought I was almost done, but I didn’t consider any of the details that I hadn’t done yet. The devil was in the details, the details took so much more time than anything else. For the creature, the details of the turtle shell and the face took the most time because the face needed to be scaly like a reptile, and the turtle shell needed to have a bunch of subtle lines and patterns on it. For the background, the moon took the most time because it is completely composed of small shapes that I filled with white or black to show the details of the moon. This took a really long time because I had to zoom in and draw each shape at 64000% zoom. I made my creature up of many different animals, insects, etc to resemble the main character from my story. I used a turtle shell to show that my character, Tony, is sort of a shy introvert that would rather have alone time in his dorm than party. I used the face of a chameleon to show that he is not very noticeable and is good at blending in. I chose to use the wings of a crow to illustrate how he is a conniving, tricky, and a smart person. I also used a parrots beak to show his intelligence and capability for real one on one human connections. Overall, I think my project came out pretty well; however, if I was able to do it again I would want to be part of the creature. I would want to give him legs, have no tail, and have a different face using fur. Related website
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