Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Euphony: A Junior Illustration Project by Emma Sayar (2020)

The title that I have created for my Illustrator Project is “Euphony.” I thought that this was a creative title related to the art I created because the word, euphony, means the quality of being pleasing to the ear, especially through a harmonious combination of words. Since my shirt illustrates all of my favorite bands using one of their album covers, the word euphony describes how the different bands that I listen too are unique, yet they all sound beautiful. Although some people might look at my creation as a mess, I think it is really cool because I took the time to draw pieces of my life. Music is really important to me and it has gotten me through tough times. Some of the artists that I have named on the back are artists that I feel like I have a connection to, but I have never met. That is how powerful music is and can be.

I love the messiness and the imperfections in this piece because I’m not an artist and I don’t need validation from others to think something looks cool. I have learned the same thing when it comes to sharing my music. I don’t typically like to share my music taste with people around me. I have always been scared to show my music to anyone because I think that I’ll be judged, but this past year, I have learned to not really care what others think because I know this is good music. I’ve also learned that when people learn to enjoy my music, it changes my confidence level and my overall mood. Music can really bring people together and connect people, and that is a beautiful thing. Overall, I feel like, at this point in life, I just don’t care what other people think anymore, to an appropriate extent. I used to care so much about others’ opinions on me, but now I see that it is nothing to worry about and I should just live my life the way I want to. Honestly, this project helped me realize that, and I am truly thankful. Related website
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