Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Rusty the Cinematic Raccoon: A Junior Illustration Project by Evan Segelke (2020)

I was trying to convey how much fun I’ve been having in film class and Freestyle Academy in general with my patch. I also made it look like a boy scout patrol patch so it could hopefully be something people could feel proud wearing. I'm happy with it, I think it looks entertaining and I plan to put it on my jacket. It also references my film teacher’s burning passion for raccoons which will entertain most of my fellow film students.

This project helped me get more experienced and skilled at using Illustrator which is how I designed the patch. I learned the importance of simplicity with this project. For a while, I was trying to use gradient colors and 3D shapes. Not only where these difficult to make correctly, but they also weren’t very compatible with patches. My teacher pointed out that “thread doesn’t come in gradients” which was a very helpful comment for me to hear. After these different phases, I opted for a simpler and more visually appealing approach. I also learned how to use a software that was new to me called Embrilliance. The software was new to me and was another learning experience. I did various things to make the patch design easier to create with the sewing machine itself. I also experimented to get the lettering the way I wanted, which was a dramatic ‘FILM’ curved along the bottom. Related website
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