Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Ravenswood: A Junior Illustration Project by Hrisha Bhatt (2020)

My Illustrator project for Digital Media takes after all of my other projects from the Narrative Unit. For this assignment, I created stickers that depict different aspects of the short story I wrote in our English class. My story is about a young, intelligent girl, Maci Gibbs, that is a patient at the Ravenswood Psychiatric Hospital who is faced with all kinds of endeavours when the facility is taken over by a branch of the government. Towards the end of the story, she finds the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders which creates a chain of events that result in Maci’s death. Using this, I created a cartoon version of the DSM-4 as one of my stickers. Another one of my stickers is a horizontal empty pill bottle with the cap off to indicate some sort of mess made by medicine. Finally, my last sticker is the name tag of a doctor that reads “Gary.” Gary is the name of the new doctor in the facility who seems sketchy from the start and ends up controlling Maci’s doom. On the sticker, it reads “Professional” under his name to create the irony of how unprofessional he is in the story.

This project was an interesting one because since I had decided to correlate my stickers to my short story, I had to find important aspects that were worth illustrating. Being a design student, I get a lot of practice in Adobe Illustrator and it has become one of my favorite programs to use so this project was somewhat like a breeze. I enjoyed being able to help my friends in our Digital Media class that don’t have as much experience with this program and find new tools that I can learn to use in my future at Freestyle. Related website
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