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Time, Money Can't Buy It: A Junior Illustration Project by Hugo Pappalardo (2020)

Two weeks ago in Digital Media Class, we were given the task of creating our own design in Illustrator to create a t shirt, patch, engraving, or lampshade with our custom design depicted somewhere on our medium of choice, so to speak. I chose to go the clothing route, moreover, I would put my artwork designed in illustrator on a piece of cotton clothing of my choice. I’ll admit my goal in this project at the start was to create a logo which would make people think about something going on. Since money was on my mind that day, I decided to roll with the phrase “Time, one of those things a trust fund can’t buy.” I chose this phrase as in my day to day life I am nearly always surrounded by people who I know for a fact have more money and material possessions that I will ever hope or dream of having, and this admittedly makes me jealous. Rather than continuing to compare all of the things I didn’t have with the things others did, I thought of something that everyone had that could not be bought but could be easily taken away, life itself. Anway, in sum, The message I am conveying is that extra time cannot be bought in life and that we must all value and make the best of ours while we still can.

One thing I valued from this Illustrator project was the availability to create anything we wanted rather than have to stick to a template. This not only improved my creativity and interest with the assignment but also enabled me to take facets of my own life and experiences, and incorporate them into my work. In addition, I also value the relative ease with which this project has enabled me to work with Illustrator as before my lack of knowledge would slow me. Related website
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