Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Pen Tool: A Junior Illustration Project by Juan Zepezauer (2020)

For this project we once again had to apply what we’ve learned in Illustrator to create a physical product.This time we had the ability to choose from a variety of products, including T-shirts, mugs, glass engraving, candle shades, stickers, or an embroidery patch. For my project I chose to make an embroidery patch representing my friend group from Design. The design depicts a couple of inside jokes relating to worms on a string, Furbies, and a cult dedicated to geese, all of which surround the Illustrator icon for the pen tool, which is used to create just about everything in Illustrator. However due to its initially unintuitive design most of the other students tend to avoid using it, so as design students we’ve been trying to help them get the hang of it in order to help them master Illustrator.

This project once again gave us an incredible amount of free reign and due to the variety of options really helped us think about how to apply Illustrator, particularly in how some students tried to think of all the things that they could use the laser cutter for. I think that Once again though,I only wish we were told in advance that we would have to write out this artist statement, so that I could have made something which wouldn’t require me to fill this page with unnecessary padding. Related website
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