Freestyle Academy proudly presents

On The Run Hoodie: A Junior Illustration Project by Louie Sabio (2020)

For my t-shirt, I drew the acronym OTR in a font I created. OTR stands for “On The Run,” which is a music group my friend started so I decided to make merchandise for him. Under the font I had a drawing of Earth in the regular blue and green color, but I also had a version of the earth in dark brown and orange. In addition, I was able to create a clipping mask for the acronym, so each letter was filled up with some part of the Earth that I drew. I was able to do this by putting each letter over my drawing of the Earth. I plan to put my designs on the left side of the chest and on the top of the hood.

In my project, I’m trying to convey that you can be able to create art related to interests you have outside of school. By being able to follow his passion in music, my friend can reach out to me to create things to promote his brand. Another message I’m trying to convey is that different forms of art can connect and combine to create something together. My friend’s music and my illustrations combine to boost his brand.

During this project, I valued being able to create something for my friend just based off of a vague description of what he wanted. I value this because I like the idea that I’m available resource to my friends if they need anything art-related. I also value my new ability to quickly develop an idea and put it down just how I wanted it. I faced challenges from the beginning of the project for multiple reasons. This was because I was attempting to create a new font for my acronym, which required a lot of time and development. The main problem I had was figuring out the right measurements of each letter and spacing so each letter looked proportional. I eventually solved this problem by keeping track of the sides of each letter so I could each measurement according to the previous line I made. Overall, I was satisfied with my piece and satisfied with how much I learned. Related website
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