Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Peaks: A Junior Illustration Project by Matthew Waldbusser (2020)

I was very excited when starting the Illustrator project. We had many different options for what to do; from making stickers, patches, shirts, and candle shades. But I was really set for doing the personal illustration. The personal Illustration allowed the most freedom for my work and made me think creatively to create my illustration. When looking at my project, I want the audience to have a sense of serenity or peacefulness as their eyes look around the beautiful landscape. To create my illustration, I mostly used the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. The pen tool is very versatile and allows me to do almost all of my work. I created the mountains, trees, snow, and wolves with the pen tool. I wanted the sun to be in the center, while being framed by two massive peaks on either side of it. The peaks were inspired by famous mountains such as Matterhorn in Switzerland, the Grand Tetons in Wyoming, and Banff national park in Canada. I added the wolves to add a sense of liveliness, adventure, and to bring scale to the image. I feel that the audience will try to see the landscape in the eyes of the wolves, further immersing the audience into my image.

I really valued this project because I was able to make whatever I wanted in Illustrator and express my ideas creatively. I always love going to the mountains and seeing the beauty of the Earth, so I figured it was a perfect opportunity to try and recreate the same mountains I like. If I were to do anything different for this project, I would probably get rid of all the trunks on the trees and add birds somewhere in the sky. Related website
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