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Several Emotional Cats: A Junior Illustration Project by Seth Jackson (2020)

For this project, I got to choose one of several project options and then make it using Adobe Illustrator. Out of all of the options given to me, I decided to make several stickers. All I had to do was create my designs and they were then printed on a sheet of sticker paper. I then used a die-cutter (printer that uses a blade to cut through tough paper) to cut my stickers out into their individual shapes.

For my designs, I chose to draw several cat characters that I had created a while ago. For my first design, I chose to make a happy looking gray cat. This design was mostly a test of various tools and how I could use them for my other three designs. It took me the longest to produce because I did not know exactly what direction I wanted to go in and my understanding of Adobe Illustrator was still not great. However, it ended up being one of my favorite designs. For my second design, I chose to draw a disgruntled brown cat. This design was fairly quick and easy to make, as I had already figured out exactly what I wanted it to look like and how to achieve that goal. I feel like this design also turned out well, but I feel like there are a few things that I would definitely change if I could. For my third and fourth design, I created a baby blue colored cat and a hand of the same color respectively. This design was not entirely my character as the face is heavily inspired by an image. Originally, both the hand and the face were originally going to be one sticker but I ended up splitting the design into two stickers because I felt that it looked much better that way.

In the end, the colors of my stickers came out a bit darker than I had thought they would but I feel like they still turned out very nice and printed very well. I really enjoyed this project because I had a lot more freedom to do what I wanted. I felt like it gave me an opportunity to do what I enjoy doing while also helping me drastically improve with Adobe Illustrator. Related website
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