Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mark 23: A Junior Illustration Project by Toby Teksler (2020)

In this illustrator project I used many different and new tools that I had yet to explore. I used these tools to help transform my iron man geometric light cover design from last semester. As this object was made into a different medium I got to add color and different types of details. With the geometric light cover I had to limit my design to an outline of the head with line breaks and far less detail, as the detail would cause problems when printing. With my new design of a sticker I was able to add all of my smaller details, along with some interesting colors. The initial challenge was to simply create the shapes that made the mask; however, afterward I had to determine the colors of all the different shapes. I came up with about 6 different possibilities of color combinations, and gradients. In the end I went with the most unique gradient that has more of a metallic look to it.

In this project I really began to value the gradient tool as it opens possibilities not only for making something cool and a unique color, but it can also show things like shadow, glare, metal, and much more. I wish I had realized the scope of the gradient tool in some of my earlier projects. In this project I also learned the value of doing something right the first time. As I was making some of my details I made small mistakes that were quite noticeable, I attempted to fix them by just filling in that space with other shapes. However, this led to problems once I tried to change colors, add gradients, and especially and strokes. Next time I will do one specific part to perfection before I move on, as it will become more difficult to fix later.

I had a lot of fun with this project, and I hope to keep on doing Illustrator projects so that I may further expand my skills, and become unstoppable with Illustrator. Related website
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