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Jumble of Stickers: A Junior Illustration Project by Zazi Ebert-Byrnes (2020)

With my Illustrator project I decided to do stickers. I did a variety of different things for this project. For one of my stickers I did a butterfly composed of my favorite color, purple. I chose to do butterflies because I have one on my car that is getting old and wanted to have a new one. Additionally I did an Odwalla drink because my friend really enjoys these drinks and thought it would be nice to make a sticker out of it. This one was the most difficult one to make because I hand drew most of the items and had a lot of difficulties with the different layers. Lastly, I made BMW stickers for fun that is also meant for my friend. This sticker taught me a lot actually because it taught me new Illustrator tools including the paint brush and erase tool that helped me a lot. With this one I also drew it by hand instead of using other methods including the fill preset and line tool.

I valued a lot from this project because it showed me that I can create anything I really want. It gave each student a lot of freedom to create what we wanted while also being able to explore our creativity and new aspects of Illustrator. It also gave me an opportunity to create something that I've wanted for a while which was a new sticker. It also gave me the opportunity to customize it to just how I wanted. I was able to explore how to change one single thing by going into the layers instead of making a drastic change that is not how I wanted. I also learned how important it is to make new layers and separate certain pieces from other artwork. Related website
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