Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Saddened: A Junior Illustration Project by Arjun Satyavrath (2020)

With my Illustrator project, I am trying to convey the message that thee are so many people trying to become famous and successful nowadays, and everybody is jumping on ideas other people have. Thus, there is large text on the sticker that says “FEED”, which in my view, means that everybody is feeding off of other people. The lack of perseverance some people now have because of our reliance on technology and other modern amenities has become the main cause of lower standards in terms of what is considered “good”. The way that the different objects of the sticker are oriented contributes to the meaning of this poem because the black and white represents a very monotone way of thinking, which I attribute to people in different industries.

I valued a lot of things from this project. For instance, I was able to utilize the skills I have learned in Adobe Illustrator. Because I haven’t had much experience with it in the past, and I want to learn how to use important applications like this in my future, I really enjoyed having the opportunity to create a drawing myself as well as having it get published on a sticker. Because I have always been slightly interested in design, especially minimalistic design, I enjoyed making something that I would not usually think of making outside of school. However, this project allowed me to express my creativity and share the message I want to convey. I also really appreciated the fact that I could visit other people and see some other ideas. It was interesting to see what other people were thinking of and it was also very useful to me because I got some inspiration from people’s ideas as well as their feedback. Overall, since I was able to express my message in an interesting way, I truly valued being able to partake in this project. Related website
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