Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Too Fast Tour: A Junior One Page Flyer by Ellie Schwarz (2020)

Yeek is a genreless artist who edits and produces his own music. I found his music in around May 2019 and haven’t stopped listening since. His unique beats and calm voice have always been a source of peace to me during times of stress or tranquility.

I was meant to see Yeek this April, 2020, but as the Corona pandemic continued to spread and manifest, he decided it would be best to cancel and postpone his national tour. I created a concert flyer announcing his tour dates including a picture of him and some retro film aesthetic to complete his vibe. While creating the flyer I listened to his music and enjoyed creating the art, thinking of how I would feel at his concert. I miss live music immensely and wanted to communicate that in this piece, and found it fitting to create this in dedication to Yeek, a concert which I missed due to current conditions. Related website
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