Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mr. Flow’s Tai Chi World Tour: A Junior One Page Flyer by Evan Segelke (2020)

I felt the need to make a Flyer for Mr. Flow’s Tai Chi World Tour because in quarantine I’ve been reminiscing about all the aspects of Freestyle I miss which includes small things like doing Tai Chi in between Digital Media and English class. Freestyle is a uniquely great place. Additionally, the flyer says that the tour might even stop the pandemic and I am personally staying optimistic about that.

I’m pretty proud of how the Tai Chi figures turned out. I made them in Illustrator and I wasn’t sure if they would make the flyer look better or cheaper. I’m also proud of the tour locations because I had to research popular concert venues around the globe to compile a list of locations fitting of the Tai Chi World Tour. I also included a lot of places that I would want to visit such as New Zealand and Iceland. Related website
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