Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Body Positivity: A Junior One Page Flyer by Hrisha Bhatt (2020)

My One Page Flyer was created as a sample flyer for a school club. Earlier this year, my friends created a Women Empowerment club and even though it was too late to birth a new club, I wanted to create a Body Positivity club at my school. When we were assigned this project, it was the first idea that came to mind because I could actually potentially use it in the future. It feeds every aspect of what a student is looking for. The mission statement is posted on the bottom half of the flyer so people understand what is going to be discussed during the meeting and choose whether they would like to attend. My goal was to explore the most crucial parts of information that any person might need.

The “Body Positivity” text is one of my favorite aspects of the whole flyer because the contrast of white on black will successfully grab the reader’s attention and start the flow of information. I put “FREE FOOD” in all caps because it creates an incentive for people who are on edge about whether they’d like to attend. Although, I put the top text in green above the black so that it would contrast with the pink paper instead and it wasn’t too visible.

The flyer is essentially a teaser for the club and the figures at the top of the flyer will be inclusive of different body types from the very start. It creates a personal tie with the reader and it will make them feel included before they choose to attend. I found the figures on the internet and cropped the photo so that I could place the women farther apart. Related website
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