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Welcome to Pigeonland: A Junior One Page Flyer by Maya Sullivan (2020)

I got Animal Crossing: New Horizons and I absolutely love the game. An important component of the game is getting villagers to move to your island. So I thought it would be fun to make a flyer asking people to come move to my island. I tried to include the aspects I liked most about the game in the description. The pictures I added are screenshots I took in the middle of playing.

I like the color I used for the flyer. Blue is my favorite color, and it was worth the effort to make the blue gradients work. I think it tied the whole flyer together nicely. I’m also proud of the balance between the text and the images in the flyer. Overall I think I used the space I had effectively too, it’s not too crowded to look at but there’s not an overwhelmingly large amount of negative space. Related website
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