Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Flyer: A Junior One Page Flyer by Miles Townhill (2020)

When I first started learning indesign, it seemed like a huge task. It was the adobe program I had the least background knowledge about and I was really nervous going into it. Following Mr Flo’s tutorials gave me an easy way to see everything and the best way to tackle indesign. So when I went o create my one page flyer it wa really easy for me to visualize my idea and make it to the way where I wanted it to be. The other thing I that I thought was easy was my creative direction, I came up with a pretty easy idea of how I wanted everything to look on screen. and to do this I decided try and just expand upon one image and make that the center of my flyer. In that sense my flyer has a very infographic feel to it because of the way the arrows and piece of text work together.

The things I struggled with with my flyer were all artistic technicalities, creating a gradient I liked that worked well with the creative direction of the piece. Stuff like that, physically clicking the buttons in the right order and making the technicalities work on screen. But I was able to figure it out in the end. Related website
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