Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Harry Potter Match: A Junior One Page Flyer by Neekie Salehi (2020)

The flyer I created is to gather a crowd at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for a game of Quidditch. Which is the most popular sport that Hogwarts hold. I got this idea from watching the movie prior to making the poster. Also I just love Harry Potter with all my heart.

I choose the old texture paper as the background to reflect on the accept letters the children receive when they enter Hogwarts. At the top of the poster are some icons that represent little parts of how the game comes together like the broomstick because the game isn’t possible without it. The big picture in the middle that looks like a castle is of Hogwarts, I choose this one in specfic becuase it has a misterious vibe to it yet is beautiful and powerful which reflects on what the school is. Then I provided some more information on the location and what day it was on. Along with the “contact” information. Related website
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