Freestyle Academy proudly presents

3D Printed Corona masks: A Junior One Page Flyer by Toby Teksler (2020)

This flyer was inspired by the world wide pandemic, the corona virus. I found many articles of people selling or giving homemade masks to help protect people from contracting the corona virus. Since my brother owns a 3D printer I came up with the idea to print a mask. We would simply print a piece of plastic that you can strap around your forehead with an elastic band and inserts so we can then affix a plastic cover. Unfortunately the 3D printer has fallen into disrepair, but I thought it would be a relevant topic for my flyer.

When designing the infographic of what the mask would look like I ran into a few problems. I used illustrator to design the mask, but I had a difficult time figuring out how to make the protective plastic cover look like plastic. After searching for a while I found a glass effect that worked. It was fun to play around with the glass effect until I thought it looked convincing. Related website
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