Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Luigi Cosplayfest: A Junior One Page Flyer by Victoria Lam (2020)

This green piece of work is a flyer for a fictitious event (though I wish it were real) at a fictitious locale (again, it should be real). A Luigi Cosplayfest, where all people, young and old, can feel welcome to dress up as Luigi, everybody’s (nobody’s) favorite Nintendo character. People coming to this event are encouraged to say “Mamma Mia!” and exude cowardliness. They are also encouraged to fight each other to near-death (not all the way to death, because that would be murder, and Luigi is afraid of murder) to showcase which Luigis are the best Luigis. Marios are not allowed because they are not Luigis. Waluigis, however, have ’Luigi’ in their name, so technically, they are allowed at the Luigi Cosplayfest. However, everybody knows that Waluigi is stronger than Luigi by at least tenfold, so if a Waluigi came to this event, there is no way that a Luigi could win. And that would defeat the purpose of the event. If we, the Luigi Committee, see even a speck of purple on your ’fit, we won’t kick you out, but we will glare at you with disdain.

I drew the Luigi in Illustrator in 5 minutes. No reference. Which explains he’s so wonky, but truly, nobody can perfectly imitate the weak, feeble, mustachioed mess that is Luigi. Related website
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