Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Soup Song: A Senior Movie Poster by Astrid Huang (2020)

Two best friends try to help their friend get over his addiction to Campbell soup. I illustrated the opening scene where the best friends find their third friend sitting and enjoying another can of Campbell soup. With the New York skyline behind them, the friend seems lazy and almost too tired to even finish the can of soup in his hand. I used Adobe Illustrator to create my movie poster. I took inspiration from the bright colors and pop art effect from Andy Warhol’s screen prints and emulated the style with the paint bucket tool.

The artist I emulated was Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He created a lot of his art from The Factory, his office in New York. Andy Warhol is one of the most popular pop artists today. I really enjoy how he was able to screenprint everyday objects and turn it into art. A major plotline of my movie is the Campbell soup addiction which is a dedication to Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans. I emulated his artwork in my movie poster with the bright colors. I chose a color theme that was common in his art, bright and contrasting colors. I also chose to do a four panel window to pay homage to his use of repetition. Related website
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