Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Words Away: A Senior Movie Poster by Jessica Angeles (2020)

The Movie is ​about the relationship of two friends who lived through everything together since they were kids, their relationship fading once their families moved away from one another​. The scene that is portrayed is the moment when they’re finally reunited again after not having seen each other for 20 years when the girl is in town for a job interview.

The movie poster was influenced by the painter Vincent Van Gogh, born on March 30, 1835 in Zundert in southern Netherlands. He was in the period of post-impressionism. What appealed to me about this artist is that even though he had a tough life yet he endured, striving to express his perspective through the art he produced. There was a lot of emotion in his art, I decided to pick a scene where emotion could be seen in the faces of the characters. Related website
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