Freestyle Academy proudly presents

SOS: A Senior Movie Poster by Max Mayer (2020)

My story is based off an astronaut on a space exploration mission. His ship is damaged in an asteroid storm forcing him to crash land on an alien planet. To survive he needs to learn how to interact with the alien society to rebuild his ship. The scene I chose to depict is when the ship first crashed. You can see the astronaut hoisting a white flag signaling peace to the alien society. I used Adobe Photoshop to digitally paint this image. I also used photobashing techniques where I use real textures and images from photos. This is when you take photos and blend them into your digital art using Photoshop’s blending options.

I decided to base my art on a contemporary artist named Finnian Macmanus. Macmanus was born in Chicago and now currently works in California. He is a concept artist and has worked on several movies including Solo by Star Wars and Avatar 2. He was already recognized in magazines and specialists by the age of 15. Macmanus appealed to me, because of his realistic artwork and his ability to create unique ideas. I tried to reflect his style by creating a piece with lots of detail and textures. I used a dramatic lightsource, and high contrast values similarly to Macmanus’s piece Relic of the Seven Dawns. Related website
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