Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Call Me Bossy: A Senior Movie Poster by Sarah Martinez (2020)

My movie takes place in the 1960’s and focuses on women’s rights. The story follows a young woman who has always dreamt of pursuing a career in journalism at a fashion magazine. After landing an internship at ​Trendsetter Magazine, ​she begins to think that her dream is slowly becoming a reality. Though a few months into the job, she was sexually harassed by her boss, and after discussing with her wildly feminist friends, they encuraged her to go to the police. After going to the police, and nothing being done, she decided to take matters into her own hands. After discovering all the abuse that had her boss had done to women in the office over the years, they all gathered and protested the office and the city courts that refused to acknowledge what had been done. The rest of the move follows the movement that the main character lead and how they fought for justice. Eventually, the main character with the support of all the other women started their own magazine, called ​BOSSY,​ all about women and empowering them in the workplace. I used Illustrator to depict the main character leading a protest, which happens multiple times throughout the movie.

Kiki Koglenik, feminists and pop artist, was the inspiration for my movie poster. After moving to New York from Austria in 1961, Kogelnik took a dive head first into her work. Through her art and her life in general, Kogelnik continuously and openly defied gender norms. Kogelnik was not only one of the few successful female pop artists of her time, but also one of the few artists to ever use pop art as a platform to promote feminism. Pop art was commonly perceived as a male dominant and sexist art, though Kogelnik countered that and painted women in a new light. Most of her fmeinist art featured things such as body parts, bold colors, and fashion art aspects with very little form. I drew most of my inspiration from her pieces ​Now is the Time II, War Baby, ​and G​ reen Lady. ​ First off, I made sure to feature black outlines, flat layers, and bold fonts, to create the look of pop art. I used elements of design that Kogelnik featured in her art to create a piece illustrating my character leading some sort of protest or group of people. My art features a bold color scheme, use of pattern on the main subject to draw emphasis, and very 2D looking shapes. I also utilized Kogleniks use of gradient backgrounds and fashion in my poster as well. I used a gradient in the background, and put elements of fashion on the main subject Related website
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