Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Out of the Car: A Senior Movie Poster by Syd Johnsen (2020)

Using Adobe Illustrator, I created a poster for an action movie plot. The plot consists of two very different women who team up to fight crime in a big and troubled city. The film begins with an innocent woman, who had just moved to the city to find love and an ex-convict, who is trying to restart her life. One day, the two women meet sitting next to one another on the subway, and become friendly. As the story progresses, both girls spend more time together as they find more about one another and unveil the secrets of each other's past. Despite their differences, they work together to help their city stay safe. With their unique and different qualities, they are proven to be unstoppable. I chose to illustrate a film noir type scene, showing an emphasis on the two women, the main characters. I used the background as an opportunity to emphasize the silhouette of the environment, the big city landscape. Having a pop art inspiration, I chose to stick with a basic primary color emphasis for my color scheme. I also went with a thick black stroke for most of the objects in the piece, also emphasizing the relation to pop art.

Roy Lichtenstein, a famous painter, was my inspiration for this project. He was born in 1923 in the United States and served a tremendous role in the pop art movement during the 50’s and 60’s. I was inspired by the emphasis of color in his art and how bright and contrasted everything was in his pieces. I chose to work similarly using almost the same color scheme. I defined the facial features and accessories on my subjects using a thick, black stroke, just as Lichtenstein and many other pop artists do. In addition, I found it interesting that each of Lichtenstein’s pieces had a sense of deeper meaning than what you saw at first glance. His pieces demonstrate different perceptions and understandings of situations, and I wanted to accomplish the same thing with my poster. Related website
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