Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Fractals: A Senior Movie Poster by Avery Tan (2020)

The synopsis of the story that I invented for “Fractals” is as follows: The protagonist, a photographer, goes at night to explore an abandoned hospital and gets cool shots. Strangely enough, one of the operating rooms has all of the medical devices and lights on. The second that the protagonist touches the operating lamp, a ripple travels through everything. Spooked, the protagonist runs out only to find that the hospital is not the same as it was before, and the same operating room is gone. Fragments of a hospital from the past, present, future, and from other dimensions have taken over, and the protagonist gets increasingly lost. Each time she touches a fragment, some of her soul gets left behind. She must find a way to escape without losing herself in another dimension. The scene I depicted in my movie poster is where the protagonist tries to photograph what she doesn’t realize is a portal, leading to her arm and camera being transported into another dimension. I created my movie poster art in Adobe Illustrator after sketching it in my notebook and edited the title block (at the bottom of the poster) in Adobe Photoshop.

My poster was influenced by the works of a Brutalist Italian architect, Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978). Scarpa appeals to me because despite building his designs of only concrete and glass, he still manages to infuse a sense of mystery and calmness into his works. I tried to reflect some characteristic design components of Scarpa’s buildings (e.g., repeating step elements and strong angles) in my poster; by doing this, I hoped to emulate the eeriness of his works. Related website
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