Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Human Insight: A Senior Movie Poster by Brent Abe-Titcomb (2020)

My movie poster was about two people that come from two different backgrounds. The first character is named Rodrigo. He is a kid who comes from an impoverished background. He attends a high school in Miami during the time of this movie. Throughout his life, he has been in ​association with drugs and gangs which lead to his poor academic performance​. After high school, he sees no future for himself. Our second character, named Basiton from another country one of royalty who has recently moved to the area. He is hard working and maintains a 4.0 when it comes to academics. Unlike the Rodrigo, he sees a future after high school and plans on attending a prestigious college. After meeting each other, these two kids become friends as Bastion tries his best to influence the choices Rodrigo makes. The scene depicted in my poster was my final scene when both characters must part ways. To depict this in the best way possible, I used Adobe Illustrator to produce the poster. Overall, I am very satisfied with the final product.

The artist I took inspiration from goes by the name of Miami Sheriff. He currently works on 80s album cover art. He has been working on vaporwave music and 80s themed cover art. Many of his music and cover art can be found on his Spotify and Soundcloud. He currently resides in Kaluga, Russia. In the modern day, his activity on his social media lies dormant. Related website
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