Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Lost and the Forgotten: A Senior Movie Poster by Eren George (2020)

In my story, the protagonist is living in a village separate from the rest of society. The movie follows him as he ventures further into a geometric world trying to figure out why he is different from everyone else. At the end he finds out that he wasn't actually born in this geometric world and that he may be from a different dimension. The scene that I illustrated in my movie poster is where the protagonist is surveying the geometric world before he sets off on his adventure to find out the truth. The village where he grew up - which would be behind him and to the right - is not depicted. The protagonist often stands on this rock because the view of the geometric world intrigues him. For this production I used Adobe Illustrator for the main aspects of the poster and Adobe Photoshop for the credit box at the bottom of the poster.

This poster was influenced by an artist named Kerby Rosanes, born in 1991 in the Philippines. His art is from the Contemporary movement. Rosanes’ artwork drew me in when I first saw it because of how detailed it was. The way that he is able to get so many elements of art into each of his pieces without making it overwhelming is incredible. In my poster, I used aspects of his art style which can be seen in the rock the protagonist is standing on. You can also see his influence in the color scheme which is black and white since Rosanes only draws in black and white. Related website
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