Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Citizen Diptych: A Senior Listener Lyric Photographic Diptych by Kerby Gerughty (2019)

My lyrical essay, entitled “Flaming Art” represents the experiences of someone who loves art but their parents think it is a waste of time. This causes lots of self-doubt and self-hatred towards his art causing him to destroy all of his artwork from his college years.

I chose this photo because the main focus of my writing piece is the relationship between the artist and his artwork. I knew that I wanted some form of art in my photo when I was brainstorming the project. I decided to use street art to represent my subject’s art. I went around downtown San Jose taking photos of people in front of murals. Out of the hundreds of photos I took, I settled on this one because it really looks like the subject is thinking about the art.

First, in Abobe Camera Raw I edited the photo like a normal photo (correcting color and exposure). Then in Photoshop, I applied a black and white layer to the entire photo. Then I added a vignette to the photo with a solid fill and layer mask. I selected the subject and masked out a color version and placed it on top of the black and white version of the photo. I chose a sans serif font because if a serif font and warped it the readability would have decreased drastically. To warp the text I covered it to a shape and used the warp tool to distort the text. Related website
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