Freestyle Academy proudly presents

To Be Able: A Senior Listener Lyric Photographic Diptych by Olivia Ahrens (2019)

My Lyrical Essay, titled, “To Be Able” is about a mother who is paralyzed. I learned from my interviewee, the struggles of raising a child while not being able bodied. The support given to her by the people in her life, were how she emotionally survived the trauma of the car accident.

I chose this image to exemplify my chosen passage, “Your friends don’t treat you differently”. This picture of two people sitting on a bench, exhibits this sentence because it shows how friends will stick together and be there for each other.

After making my photo black and white, I lightened the area where the people in my image are, to bring the viewer’s eyes to them. In Adobe Photoshop, I used the lasso tool to trace out the focus in my photo. Next, I used text warping to align my text to fit into the shape of the person in my image. I used a pretty large font for my text because I feel as though it shows a fulfilled subject. Related website
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