Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Citizen Diptych: A Senior Listener Lyric Photographic Diptych by Syd Johnsen (2019)

My Lyrical Essay, entitled “I am more than my size”, portrays the everyday experience of being a male who is shorter than average. I learned through this person how it feels to be looked down upon in all aspects of life just because of height differences.

Although there is no representation of a male figure in my photograph, there is an extreme height difference between the two female subjects in the photo. This most accurately represents the topic of my lyrical essay, and the idea of feeling smaller than everyone. The height difference shows an exaggerated literal sense of what my interviewee experiences on a daily basis. Although he feels this way, he continues to persevere and isn’t afraid of human connection. Having the two girls in the photo holding hands shows the connection represented in my essay despite the height difference. I also like how the subjects in my photo are seen as smaller compared to the tall buildings and trees around them.

To edit this photograph, I used Adobe Photoshop as a main application. Within Photoshop, I used a mask to turn the photo black and white, and then went back over the photo in detail revealing color with the brush tool. The font I used is a stronger looking font which is what I was hoping for. Although my interviewee feels smaller in height all the time, he uses his work ethic to gain more strength than everyone else. Having this hardship in his life, he has developed a mental strength as well, which is clearly shown through the strong font I chose. Finally, to place the text, I used the text tool and then used the warp tool to fit the text within the silhouette. Related website
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