Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Let it be: A Senior Listener Lyric Photographic Diptych by Channon Jiang (2019)

The sentence I used in the Citizen project is “Your brother is still a kid, you should let him be.” This sentence is what my identity’s mother said, and it somewhat represents the idea of patriarchy, and what this sentence hurt about the identity’s feeling.

I chose this picture because I love the feeling of the woman in the picture walking alone and seems like she was in rush in something. The expressions are somehow conformed with my idea of the sentence.My identity is a female person so I think it is necessary to choose this picture of the woman for my Citizen project. We colorized the picture’s background into black and white, and left the specific person in the picture colored. I made the woman’s color into a lightish color so it won’t be too show-off and looks more comfortable. Because the sentence I chose is somehow a distressful sentence, so I think the lightish color and the blackand white color will combine and make a better view of the picture. Also, the woman in the picture is not in the center of the picture, but the left side of the picture. The face is not shown on the picture because the woman turned her back, so it also could show some of the loneliness for the sentence I chose.

I used Adobe Photoshop to colorize the picture and edit it. I chose a very normal font, Arial, because I think it doesn’t show-off and could express the low key aura of my Citizen project. I personally selected the text and used the command+T to control its movement and make the text to fit in the box I cut. Related website
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