Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Phenakistoscope: A Phenakistoscope Wheel by Chloe Weng (2020)

For the phenakistoscope project, I drew a monkey jumping from a vine in a jungle-like setting. I wanted to draw an animal since I enjoyed animating a cat in a previous project. Through this project, I was challenged to make 16 frames that were very similar, aside from slight alterations. I had never drawn a monkey before, so it was challenging at first. However, with practice, it became easier. This project allowed me to try something new and learn from it.

If I were to do this project again, I would change the background to be more vibrant and busy. I want to make it more clear that the setting is a jungle and maybe I would add a bird if I had enough room. I would definitely color the sky to be a brighter blue so it is more visually appealing. I am most proud of how the wheel looks when it is animated; I think the monkey jumping is fun to watch. I will use my newfound ability of drawing a short animation in future projects that may be more complex. By doing this project myself, I have come to appreciate the work of others that are similar but far more difficult and take longer to complete. Related website
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