Freestyle Academy proudly presents

fire fox: A Phenakistoscope Wheel by Natalie Lo (2020)

my inspiration for this project was that I like foxes and they are very pretty and graceful animals. Through this project, I grew and learned how to create a phenakistoscope. A struggle I encountered was I ran out of frames for the animation. I had to rethink how to fit the animation in just 16 frames. If I were to change something I think I would add fire coming out of the fox's ears. It would spark up at the same time as the tail. I really like this overall phenakistoscope and I am proud of the color choice. I definitely want to create another phenakistoscope in the future, and I will take what I learned with this project and apply it then. This project made me appreciate how much work artists put to make phenakistoscopes. Animators have gained a lot of respect from me. Related website
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