Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Butterfly Effect: A Junior Illustration Project by Reed Keenan (2021)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to create my own piece of clothing. And at the time of this project, one of my most listened to and favorite artists at the time was Travis Scott, a rapper. One of his most widely known songs is one by the name of, “Butterfly Effect.” Of course there are other people who have also made shirts out of his song before, which I kind of fueled inspiration from for this project, but I also wanted to add my own touch and design to this project and make it my own which motivated me. Furthermore, this project allowed me to grow because I was able to learn new software, like Adobe Illustrator, and turn that very art into a piece of clothing. That’s a pretty cool skill to have! The process sure wasn’t easy though. Adobe Illustrator is one of the hardest applications I have ever had to learn and I am absolutely no where near mastering it, but that’s what makes it interesting. By experiencing struggle, it allows one to keep trying. And when you don’t give up and keep going, it makes the end result so much more satisfactory. Throughout the process of designing in Illustrator, I tried so many different arrangements of words, shapes, and figures, but none of them stood out that much to me. I started to become on edge after hours of trying to create something I really liked, almost at the urge of wanting to quit, but I didn’t. I kept experimenting and was finally able to come up with a design I like and now I get to wear it around the world! Even despite the design coming out nicely in my opinion, I would change it to be a little more abstract. The best designs and art, in my opinion, aren’t so simple, they’re complex, they have multiple dimensions to them. Yet, with this piece I really feel the simplicity. And simplicity is good, I also enjoy it as well and in some cases it can work really well. But if I had the ability to create a masterpiece design for my t-shirt, I would want it a little more abstract. Nonetheless, I’m really proud of myself for not giving up halfway through and learning an extremely difficult and advanced program, even if it’s just the basics. And now, with my new knowledge, I will be able to work at mastering Illustrator if I so desire and create even more pieces of clothing. Who knows, maybe I could even start a brand! Finally, I am able to gain a lot more appreciation for artists in a different field than film and cinematography, rather the artists that design clothes and create things through Illustrator. After going through the process of learning how to use Illustrator I have developed so much respect for those that make a living out of this. I’ve probably learnt 5-10% about what goes into Illustrator, yet someone out there spends months creating a singular piece in this program. It’s phenomenal. Every artfrom is to be appreciated and respected, and this one is especially difficult. Related website
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