Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Bay Area Night Riders: A Junior Illustration Project by Vikash Kumar (2021)

For my personal illustration, I decided to create a poster for an imaginative car club known as the Bay Area Night Riders. The poster would depict a windy road path spiraling down a mountain during the night with the club’s name on top. The mountains represent the mountainous ranges within the Bay Area. My inspiration for this personal illustration was an ambition and dream to create my own car club in the future with car enthusiasts around the Bay Area and spread the passion for cars through young kids and bring a positive light to such a dangerous activity. With this project, I grew as a designer through learning how to properly create a landscape in Adobe Illustrator and as well as difficult shapes. A major problem I encountered during this project was created correctly shaped windy roads coming down the mountain. It took me multiple tries to form a windy road in Illustrator and give the illusion of curves. Although I am proud of the final product, some things I would change would be the realism aspect of it. If I had the ability to spend a lot more time on it, I would dedicate more time to making the mountains and road passage look more realistic by including more details, such as outlines of trees, dark lines of asphalt to represent the cracked roads being filled in, and more ridge mountains as well. This project has helped me see other’s arts as a possible amalgamation of inspired real-life goals and their artistic skills into a cohesive frame of what they chose to achieve in the future. Related website
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