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Seek, See, & Speak the Truth: A Senior PSA by Amara Lin (2020)

Seek the truth, see the truth, speak the truth. This phrase is relatively universal, applicable to everyone and anyone. I illustrated my message using a magnifying glass, eyeball, and speech bubble that all say the truth inside. I used different hues of blue because it is associated with trust and honesty. The first line means that one should first seek the truth. Look for the truth in other things, people, and even yourself, constantly having it on your radar. Second, one should see the truth. Recognize what the truth is and isn't, and choose to do so even when it isn't easy. Open your eyes. Third, one should speak the truth, put it into practice. What good is it to identify the truth if you don't put it out into the world? This PSA isn't cryptic or layered - it's simple and straightforward. Everyone has the ability to take in and put forward truth, and I want to encourage people to do so. What do we have if not the truth?

At first I had another version of my PSA that was much more cryptic and complex. However after review and consultation I realized that a PSA is supposed to be simplified and easily interpretable by any person. Therefore I scrapped my first draft and created this one. Through Adobe Illustrator I used relatively simple techniques, including a gradient for the background and the pen tool for most of the graphics. Personally I usually create things that are beyond what meets the eye. Therefore this assignment was challenging in that way for me and I had to push myself to change my perspective and streamline my message. Related website
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