Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Power of Pink: A Senior PSA by Ash Prodromou (2020)

Four hands of different colors (green, blue, purple, and yellow) extend from the four corners of the artboard, drawn in chalk. In the center, there's a small ball of pink, almost like a soul or a fire. The hands are surrounding it, maybe reaching around it or forming a circle. Underneath this scene is a message, sketched out and shaded in: Believe in the Power of Pink. I wanted to use my PSA to show different groups of women working together and being united in their womanhood. From this, I devised the idea for the power of pink, i.e. the small pink ball in the center of my PSA, as a short-hand for the combined power that women and girls carry in them. I wanted to include an aspect from my essay as well: that everyone has their own color regardless of their pink-ness. That was why I made the hands surrounding the POP different contrasting colors: to emphasize their individuality. The importance of pink was represented by my changing the color of the word in the tagline. I wanted it to pop out and be the first word that someone saw if they were walking by a poster version of my PSA.

Everything drawn for my PSA was done freehand (admittedly in Adobe Illustrator), sometimes using a reference image (like for the hands). I was really excited to draw something freehand for the first time, since for most of my previous Illustrator projects I had traced royalty-free graphics from the Internet and then combined them in new ways. I was a bit nervous about drawing hands, as I had heard that they were super difficult to draw. Don't get me wrong, they still definitely were, but I was so proud of my freehanded (heh) hand when I finally completed it! It felt way cooler to say that I had drawn something on my own, without tracing or copy-pasting an image. That being said, I still did use a reference image, but I hope to work my way up to drawing things completely on my own, from my own imagination. Related website
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