Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Good Things Take Time: A Senior PSA by Oliver Camp (2020)

My PSA represents how it takes time for good things to happen. I wanted to talk about this because it's something that I've finally accepted in my life. Throughout my life I've always expected things to happen, instead of patiently waiting for my hard work to pay off. I chose to show a fisherman waiting for a fish to bite. He is fishing in the ocean and he catches a really big fish. Since fishing takes a lot of patience and effort, I knew it was a great way to represent my PSA. The fisherman is wearing colorful fishing gear and is sitting in a brown fishing boat. The fish is around the same size as the boat because I wanted the good things to come to really be emphasized in my art. To make the background more interesting, I added a white and blue gradient to make it look cloudy and foggy.

I made this using Illustrator and the pen tool. I used a pen tool to make everything look clean and precise. In my original rough draft, I had lots of drawn in figures and it resulted in the artwork being more sloppy than I intended. After feedback, I realized that I should use the pen tool and it ended up being very beneficial. I also used the elements and principles of design to create this and make it look more professional. I struggled in finding a way to represent my PSA. At first I imagined a very conceptual idea which would have taken much more effort to complete. I realized that my skills weren't fully there yet, so I took my conceptual idea and made it more realistic. I also struggled with finding a good color scheme, but I eventually found one in Adobe Color that I really liked. Related website
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